Suche für meinen GD eine Heckleuchte links und die Heckblende. Achtung es sind die getönten, weiss nicht ob es die auch anders farbig für das Fließheck gab. Ist nur zur Info. Das Coupe und Stufenheck ist nicht getönt.
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nur weil man nicht drüber es nicht vergessen
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I think I have both lights (complete) and the piece in the middle also. I will try and find them in my basement tomorrow if I dont forget!! I stripped my first 1988 Mazda 626 GLX 2.0ltr 8V about 10 years ago and I still have about half of that car lying around in parts. The motor and seats are not like ours, but the rest of the car was. The rear lights for this car you can only get from a hatchback because a coupe and sedan are different. Our lights were made on cars from 1987 to the middle of 1990 and then Mazda did a rear facelift and changed the style of the lights from 1990 to 1992. The facelift ones will fit, but to me they do not look as nice. I just sold my wifes 1992 GD last month after we bought our new Mazda CX-7 Expession. There was more than you think got changed on the facelift model in 1990. I will give you my email address incase I forget, because I usually read it about every 2 days. Later Andrew (mazda-man1)
I can speak and read German, but I can not write it. Sorry!
Reicht dir nur die Teilenummer oder brauchts du eine Skizze auch. So weit ich weiß gibt es verschiedene Teilenummern geht nach Fgst. Für Fließheck oder?